What's the Best Time To Do An NSDR Session?

When life throws curveballs, NSDR catches them with grace. Learn when to tap into Non-Sleep Deep Rest, whether it's a midday slump or the brink of office warfare. It's not about the 'right time'; it's about the 'right now' time with NSDR.

What's the Best Time To Do An NSDR Session?

Let's face it, our lives more often resemble the unpredictable plot of a sitcom than the peaceful serenity of a mindfulness retreat.

But here's the kicker - NSDR thrives amidst your beautiful chaos.

When is the best time to do NSDR?

The basic answer is, any time you tell yourself that you could use a break. Anytime you feel you need a breather is the prime moment to do an NSDR session.

Want some specific examples?

a man and a woman in professional attire with colorful abstract background. the float relaxed with headphones on.

Here are some prime moments when opting for an NSDR session could be your saving grace:

Personal Life Situations:

  1. Managing General Anxiety: Use NSDR for calming and gaining mental clarity during anxious or overwhelming times.
  2. Improving Sleep Quality: Practice NSDR before bedtime to combat insomnia or improve overall sleep quality.
  3. Dealing with Emotional Distress: Utilize NSDR for emotional processing and calming during personal upheavals, like after arguments or stressful family events.
  4. Before Engaging in Hobbies: NSDR can help transition from daily stresses to a more relaxed state, enhancing enjoyment in hobbies and leisure activities.
  5. Parental Stress Management: Parents can use NSDR for managing stress and maintaining a calm presence.
  6. Midday Mental Refresh: Use NSDR as a reset for clarity and focus during midday mental slumps.
  7. Enhancing Spiritual Practices: Deepen spiritual experiences with NSDR, fostering connection and inner peace.
  8. Transitioning from Work to Home: Signal the end of the workday with NSDR, especially when working from home, to promote relaxation.
  9. Combatting Screen Fatigue: Utilize NSDR to detach and recover from prolonged screen usage and to break the habit of excessive phone use.

Work Situations

  1. Pre-Meeting Preparation: Use NSDR before meetings or presentations to clear your mind and reduce nervousness.
  2. Post-Intensive Work Task: After tasks requiring high concentration, like data analysis, NSDR aids in mental recovery.
  3. During Creative Blocks: When facing creative challenges at work, NSDR can refresh the mind and inspire innovative thinking.
  4. Handling Work-Related Stress: After stressful work interactions, NSDR assists in stress management.
  5. Combating Screen Fatigue at Work: Employ NSDR to alleviate eye strain and mental fatigue from prolonged computer screen exposure.
  6. Mid-Afternoon Energy Dip: Combat the typical afternoon slump with a brief NSDR session for rejuvenation.
  7. Before Important Decision-Making: Utilize NSDR for stress reduction and cognitive clarity in professional decision-making.
  8. During Long-Distance Travel: Manage travel fatigue with NSDR during flights or long journeys.
  9. Post-Intensive Learning Periods: Consolidate new information post-studying or workshops with NSDR.
  10. Pre-Exam Preparation: Students can benefit from NSDR before exams for improved concentration and recall.
  11. Before Artistic Creation: Artists and creators can use NSDR to overcome mental blocks and stimulate creativity.

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Closing thoughts

In the wild rollercoaster that is life, taking time out to tune into ourselves is no longer a luxury, but a necessity.

From those days when your brain feels like it's been put through a blender, to those moments when a single email threatens to stir up office-wide pandemonium, Non-Sleep Deep Rest is your go-to de-stress button, ready to add that much-needed commercial break in the sitcom we call life.

a woman wearing professional attire relaxing on a chair in a beach paradise