How Long Should You Do Yoga Nidra to Feel the Benefits?

How Long Should You Do Yoga Nidra to Feel the Benefits?

Embarking on the journey of Yoga Nidra, you might wonder, "How long should my sessions be to truly feel the benefits?"

The answer lies in understanding that Yoga Nidra, a form of deep relaxation and meditation, offers flexibility to suit your lifestyle and needs.

Illustration of a person lying on the floor in a sunlit room, surrounded by green potted plants, with a serene expression.

The Power of Short Sessions

Busy schedule? No worries!

Research shows that even brief sessions can be powerful. A study revealed that an 11-minute Yoga Nidra session can significantly reduce stress, enhance sleep quality, and improve overall well-being (Effectiveness of a short Yoga Nidra meditation on stress, sleep, and well-being in a large and diverse sample).

This is perfect if you're starting or pressed for time, offering a quick yet effective meditation break.

A close-up illustration of a person resting with closed eyes, set against a colorful, patterned background.

The Depth of Longer Sessions

If you're able to dedicate more time, consider longer sessions.

For instance, another research showed that 1-hour Yoga Nidra sessions done bi-weekly over 8 weeks significantly improved participants' stress levels and self-esteem (Effects of a yoga nidra on the life stress and self-esteem in university students).

These extended sessions can lead to deeper relaxation and more profound mental health benefits.

Abstract illustration of a large clock with a minimalistic design, set against a colorful, geometric background.

How Often Should You Do Yoga Nidra?

When it comes to frequency, consistency is key.

Regular practice, be it daily or several times a week, is essential for experiencing Yoga Nidra's full benefits. Even short, daily sessions can lead to noticeable improvements over time.

The goal is to make Yoga Nidra a regular part of your routine, fitting it into your life in a way that feels sustainable and enjoyable.

A vibrant interior scene with colorful furniture, including an orange sofa and a blue chair, surrounded by large plants and bathed in warm sunlight.

Finding Your Ideal Practice

There's no one-size-fits-all approach to Yoga Nidra.

Begin with shorter sessions and gradually increase the length as you become more comfortable. Tune into your body and mind's needs – some days might call for a quick session, while others might benefit from a longer practice.

Support for Your Journey

Dive into the world of guided Yoga Nidra through various online platforms, including here at Vespertone, offering sessions of different lengths. These guided practices can be a great resource, especially for beginners, helping you navigate the experience with ease.

Close-up of a smiling person with curly hair and closed eyes, surrounded by vibrant, abstract patterns.

Closing Thoughts

The ideal length for your Yoga Nidra practice depends on your personal preferences, needs, and the time you can dedicate. Whether it's a quick 11-minute session or a longer, immersive experience, the benefits of relaxation, reduced stress, and improved well-being are within reach.

Remember, regularity trumps duration – make Yoga Nidra a consistent part of your life and watch the transformation unfold. Happy practicing!


  1. Moszeik, Esther N., et al. “Effectiveness of a Short Yoga Nidra Meditation on Stress, Sleep, and Well-being in a Large and Diverse Sample.” Current Psychology, vol. 40, no. 12, 2020, pp. 5708–5716.
  2. Kim, Sang Dol. “Effects of a Yoga Nidra on the Life Stress and Self-Esteem in University Students.” Complementary Therapies in Clinical Practice, vol. 35, 2019, pp. 232–236.