What Is the Andrew Huberman Morning Protocol?

Unlock the potential of your mornings with Andrew Huberman's routine, designed to boost physical and mental well-being through early rising, natural light, hydration, exercise, and mindful goal-setting.

What Is the Andrew Huberman Morning Protocol?

Ever wondered how some people seem to have boundless energy and laser-sharp focus all day long?

Andrew Huberman's morning protocol might hold the key.

Here’s what he recommends to boost physical and mental well-being.

Wake Up Early and Assess Restedness

Starting the day early can set a positive tone for the rest of it.

Huberman typically wakes up between 5:30 and 6:30 AM and recommends assessing how well-rested you feel right after waking.

This simple but powerful step can help you better understand your body’s signals and adjust your day accordingly.

Natural Light Exposure

Huberman emphasizes the importance of natural light exposure for regulating your body’s internal clock.

He suggests spending 10-30 minutes outside immediately after waking up, which can enhance your mood and energy levels. Imagine starting your day bathed in natural light—how might that feel?

Hydration, Meditation, and Stretching

Rehydrating your body is crucial, and Huberman often drinks water mixed with lemon juice or apple cider vinegar. This helps kickstart digestion and rehydrate after hours of sleep.

He also recommends dedicating 10 minutes to meditation, which can reduce stress and enhance mental clarity. Adding stretching or light yoga to your morning routine can improve flexibility and reduce muscle tension.

Physical Activity and Cold Exposure

Physical activity is a cornerstone of Huberman’s morning protocol. Whether it’s jogging, weightlifting, or another form of exercise, he recommends this as a way to stimulate both body and mind.

Additionally, he incorporates cold exposure through cold showers or immersion, which can improve circulation, reduce inflammation, and boost metabolism.

Healthy Breakfast, Journaling, and Goal Setting

To maintain sustained energy throughout the day, Huberman suggests opting for a breakfast rich in protein, healthy fats, and complex carbohydrates. But don’t stop there.

He recommends journaling to write down thoughts, goals, and intentions, which can enhance self-awareness and mental clarity.

Finally, setting and reviewing daily goals can help keep you focused and motivated.

Key Takeaways

  • Start each day by waking up early and evaluating how rested you feel.
  • Expose yourself to natural light for improved mood and energy levels.
  • Rehydrate, meditate, and stretch to prepare your body and mind for the day ahead.
  • Incorporate physical activity and cold exposure to enhance circulation and metabolism.
  • Enjoy a healthy breakfast, journal, and set daily goals for better focus and clarity.